Launching a blog doesn't come easily to a natural introvert, but here it is.
I want it to be useful to some (hopefully many). Which means a focus on the areas where I have real life experience.
I have simple but world class investment systems that could benefit others... but so far I have dismally failed to spread the word because I lack skills in marketing. So I'll be sharing investment tips and tricks, and my journey as I teach myself to market them.
I might also touch on health, the most important kind of wealth, based on my experiences in yoga, meditation and reaching middle age.
And where I'd like to see the world change. When I have ideas that might be useful or entertaining to others, I'll try to publish them.
This isn't entirely self-less, as it will clarify my thinking. Most of all I hope to learn things from you, if you'd allow yourself to add a comment.
"I don't blog every day because I have good ideas. I have good ideas because I blog every day."
Seth Godin